1/2 marathon done!

I ran my half marathon today. It was good but I'm kindof glad it was overwith. it was all down hill and really hard on the legs/knees. I really pushed myself though and cut an entire half hour from my last half marathon time. I STILL think that it would be fun to have all of the siblings run one together someday.
A big thanks to Brigham for being my coach for the past few months. I couldn't have done it without you (or at least I couldn't have done as well).

Good luck to Cake and Brigham as they prepare for theirs in 2 weeks! Make sure you remember to get a babysitter for the afternoon so you can recover! It was sooooo hard to try to take care of my girls today....


Chad said…
Congrats Cambrie! That is so awesome. I biked a half-marathon this week. Does that count?

PS - Does Lydia have blonde hair now, or did it get bleached?
Unknown said…
Chad, you biked two marathons...

Me, well, I did neither.

I did eat strawberry pie tonight though. Building up extra reserves in energy storage for later.

It would seem that I have plenty though.

We've been slightly good about running. Katie has been better about it than I have -- and I'm very proud of her for it! I have work off until Wednesday at 11 am. I'm going running some more.

You inspired me. I'm going again this week.

Good job Cambrie. I've never been running that far in my life. Maybe half of that... Maybe.
Erica said…
Cambrie, you look so good! You'd never know from looking at you that you have given birth to two darling little girls! I'm super super impressed.

Now, if I could just *like* running. That's the big hurdle for me now. I need a ball or something to distract me. Just plain running doesn't do it for me. Urgh.
Gramps said…
I'm proud of you punkin'. I know it takes a lot of determination to do that. So...how's Buff doing with her running? She gonna join you in a half marathon sometime?
Gramps said…
Oh yea, and I have noticed in recent pictures how Lydia's hair is turning blonde. She had such dark hair to begin with! I wonder if she'll be like so many women that have their blonde hair turn dark after they have babies (Marilyn).
Marilyn said…
Congratulations!!! You do look great! Hard to be fat while you run that much, eh? I think it's like the intro I heard about some who was featured at women's conference I heard: "Her favorite thing is getting OFF the treadmill!"
Katie has been being diligent too. Way to go, Cambrie, and everyone else who is pushing themselves to do something that is good for you, but not necessarily fun! Kim and I feel like it is an effort to go do our 2 mile walk most days!
Marilyn said…
So what was your time, anyway?
Cambrienelson said…
1 hr 47 mins.

yes, Lydia is blond now. I wish she would have stayed dark!
Stevo said…
No Lydia!!! Don't go to the dark side! I am your FATHER!

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