
Kiera is entertaining lately. Here are some of her funnies:
1. She must have learned "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" in nursery because I didn't teach it to her. Only, they must have taught it to her wrong because she sings "Jesus wants me for a Sun-Bum".
2. We were swinging at a crowded park the other day and Kiera announced excitedly "Lady eating a treat!!" I looked to see a lady smoking (she thought the cigarette was a sucker). About 1 minute later she made a comment on yet another chic, "Lady wearing a swimming suit!" (she was wearing an immodest tank top). My poor innocent 2 year old!
3. Kiera is into playing make believe lately. She does all sort of funny things. She enjoys smelling Lydias bottom for stinkies, smelling elmo's bottom, blankie's bottom....
4. Kiera has recently become a bossy-cow. She enjoys bossing everyone who further down the totem pole around. She scolds her blankie, puts elmo in timeouts, and tells Lydia what is is not allowed to do.
5. Kiera can't pronounce "blankie" very well. She says "Bwaitie" but this week she nicknamed her blankie "Bwait". Cute.
6. Kiera was saying her bedtime prayers last night and said "Heavenly Father...Thanks for everything...amen." Smart and concise.
Having a toddler is entertaining.


Erica said…
That was a really fun read. Thanks! :) What a cute, cute girl!
Marilyn said…
I think Kim taught her how to pray. Amen!
Chad said…
I guess I never commented the first time I read this. I thought the sun-bum thing was hilarious!

Thanks for sharing!
Gramps said…
Hey..God is you know how many prayers he has to listen to? Give the guy a break and make your prayers short and a "thanks for everything" does cover....well.....everything.

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