So there I was, being a good aunt, minding my own business, and pushing Kiera and Lydia on their tree swings in the back yard when BOOM/FLASH!!!!!! I heard the LOUDEST boom and the BRIGHTEST flash i've ever experienced in my short life! I felt a jolt of electricity go through me(literally) and was scared half to death! yes, lightning had struck a tree about 6 houses down, less than a half a block away from Cambries house and had lit it on fire. There had been a lightning storm going on all day in our valley but I never in a million years thought it would strike that close! Needless to say, I got the girls and we went inside very quickly. After cambrie came home about 5 min later, we went and took a walk to go see the tree that was hit. That was when the movie above was taken. It was a very scary experience.
In other exciting news (at least for me), I get to go part time at my job next month and I'm going to be in Utah for 2 weeks starting on either the 28th or 29th. I only have about 64 school days left till I graduate! I'm super excited!