Playhouse - Day 2

This is the result after the 2nd Saturday's worth of work. (click for larger picture) Rain kept me from making as much progress as I could have. You can see the 2nd story (the "fort" part) is starting to take shape. The plywood portion you see on the bottom will have white vinyl siding on it and some vinyl posts and railing on the little porch. Are all you grandkids ready to come play in it?


BUFFY said…
Wow! That's going to be awesome! i can't wait to take my turn in playing in it!!!
BUFFY said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cambrienelson said…
The above deleted comment was really by buff saying "I'm thinking of moving home...can this be my new room?"

We are excited about it. Now we just have to see about when we can come to Utah. I'm not willing to drive my girls up by myself....I need someone to drive with me our I need $ for flights....

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