Kim & Marilyn Groneman Family Reunion

It looks like both Nelsons (minus Steve - boo hoo) and Datrups will be here to play Friday July 31st and Saturday August 1st then Dastrups go to the Grandma Dastrup's house...but if you can and have the inclination, see if you can keep one or both of those days free on your calendar. Benjamin and Keira and I are going to have some serious playhouse time. I'm sure Bacci Ball and Croquet will be played and there will be food to feed the five thousand. I'm not sure we can get all that many people into the playhouse for a sleepover so you're taking your chances there and I haven't got the AC unit installed out there yet so it may be a little warm. How does the song go?...."I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it....I'm about to lose control and I think I like it...." just left to should live here!


Chad said…
That sounds awesome. We'll make plans. We'll just need a quiet, dark room so that Emmy can take her naps and be a happy partier.
Erica said…
I can't wait to see all of the little ones together at last! This is a fun age too, since they can interact more than they could just a few months ago.
Marilyn said…
We are REALLY looking forward to this! ALL our grandchildren together!! Yeah! Here come the pictures! We can pull out the pool and the slip and slide too! Party!
This time Costco is going to do some of the cooking, so we do have to spend so long fixing food!

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