As Christa requested:

A couple of tidbits from Education week:
"If you want to know what a woman is thinking, ASK HER!
After you have been married for many years you think you know what she is thinking, and you will be right 90% of the is the other 10% that destroys marriages"

John Widsoe:" Whoever seeks to help those on the other side of the veil receive help with ALL their affairs in this life" (I absolutely KNOW that this is true)

Bruce R McConkie: "If we chart a course leading to Eternal Life and stay on that path-then there is NO question-we shall have Eternal life".
When I was a young mother I was struggling with the whole "Be ye therefore perfect" thing. It was overwhelming me...and it felt like eating an Elephant! Satan was having a heyday with the thought in my mind, " You'll never make it! You might as well give up!" My mom had been to a Stake Conf where he was the speaker and she heard him say that. She told me the same thing, and it really helped to know that all you have to do is be sincerely TRYING to become Christlike, and even if you do mess long as you keep trying, and don't give up you will have Eternal life.
Speaking of Eternal life: for a long time, I didn't understand the difference between Eternal Life and immortality. I am sure you RM's out there all know, but just in case someone didn't know, everlasting life is what everyone will have at the resurrection, good or evil, everyone gets this gift. Eternal life is Exaltation in the presence of God, with the ability to become like God's himself. It is the ultimate reward.

E-Expense Spells grace, you see.

Enzio Busche (An previous member of the Seventy) He talks about how many members of the church are trouble by the fact that THEY have never experienced a burning in the bosom described in the D&C as one way that you can know that you are feeling the spirit. He points out that that is NOT always present, and there are other ways to know that you are feeling the Spirit. He said that the scripture that leads everyone to believe that they should experience the burning is instruction to the brethern that were translating the B of M. THEY would experience the burning to know if what they were translating was correct, or have a stupor of thought if it wasn't right. What they experienced CAN happen to us in our quest to get questions answered from on high, but doesn't always happen that way. And Dallin Oaks said, "The feeling of the witness of the Holy Ghost is an intense feeling of serenity or well-being".



Christa said…
Thanks for sharing. Good stuff!
Gramps said…
If you want to know what a woman is thinking...ASK HER...but only if you have an extra 1.5 hours of spare time at the end of which, only about 10% will actually make sense. If you want to know what a man is thinking....ask him....usually it's "nothin'". When I think of TV I usually get a stupor of does TV REALLY exist?

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