Gramps & Emmy
Grandma had to go to a family meeting and Emmy's old man and old lady were up partying in Sundance/Park City so Emmy and Gramps got to spend some time together. Actually, I got home just in time to get her ready for bed and put her down...what a
funny little girl. She didn't want her bottle at first....but Marilyn said that's the way she is. So I eventually got her to take her bottle after some fussing, but she needed to play with her pacifier while eating. A few times during the feeding she complained and tried to boogy down but we got her back to eating. I then put her down and she complained a blue streak for about a minute so I got her up and put the bottle in again...she drank for a few minutes then decided she was done so I put her down again...she complained for about a minute then just went on to play and squeel for about 15 minutes then finally fell fast asleep. It made me smile just thinking of her little cuteness sleeping in my house.