Last of disneyland

We went to disneyland last night as a family and met up with Saundra, randy, and Jolynn. It was fun to see them. They hung out with us and did kiddie rides (good sports!) Kiera called Saundra "Lasagna" which I got a kick out of. My disneyland pass expires next Wednesday and I'm doubting that I'll go before then so I think I'm done for a while, which to be honest-- I'm glad. Too much disneyland.

This morning I went to change lyida's wet diaper and she threw a fit because she wanted to do it herself. It was hilarious watching her try to figure out how to do it. She'd set up the wipes and diaper on the ground and then lay down next them them and try to wipe her own (diapered) bottom and then put the clean diaper on top and try to get it to stick on. I actually got a video but I'm too lazy to post it.
Later on in the day I got her to go "stinkies" in the potty. No, I don't plan on attempting potty training at this age but I think it is good to introduce it at least. My personal feelings about early potty training is that yes, it can be done, but it then becomes a full-time job and a huge PAIN to put your child on the potty every 2 hours for the next 6 months and you have plenty of accidents anyway. Whereas, if you just do it when they are ready it is not nearly such a pain.


Marilyn said…
That's hilarious! Even YOU didn't ever have a desire to change your own diapers! Buy hey, if she can wipe Kiera's bottom (chasing her around the house with TP in her hand), then she ought to be able to wipe her own, right? :)
Christa said…
How cute! Tell Lydia that I have more diapers to change than I'd like to and that she is welcome to take over when we see you in June!
Stevo said…
Are you not happy anymore? Disneyland's the happiest place on earth --you should see a psychologist!
Gramps said…
Go Lydia! A real do-it-yourself woman. Cambrie......have a magical day.

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