
The book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" has been sitting on our bookshelf for our 7 years of marriage. I never thought to read it since I thought to myself "I know how to make friends already and I feel like I influence people well enough". Recently, however, my sister-in-law highly recommended that I read it. She told me she reads it almost every year. So I picked it up. I'm almost done with it and I have to say that it is much better than I expected. I just keep thinking over and over to myself "why didn't someone tell me to read this before!?" So, I'm doing you the favor and telling you to read it (Even you Buff-- it has very useful information that could help while being a missionary). Now if you ever read it 20 years from now you can't say "why didn't someone tell me to read this?!" because I did.


Erica said…
That book is on my "to-read" list, and has been since I think I was 18. I've heard such good things about it. Thanks for the reminder to get it, and actually read it!
Gramps said…
I don't need no stinkin' friends.
Marilyn said…
Hon, you better hope your friends don't read this blog, or your statement may be granted! :)

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