pics and stuff

Steve starts finals this next week. Normally, I'm glad when he has finals because that usually means he has a week break to spend with us. However, this time he'll be going to Honduras with the dental school and he'll get back late sunday night before school starts monday morning. That's life. We only have a little more than a year and we'll be done. Oh, and I know that next to what CK has endured I have no room to complain.

Random tidbits of the week: Kiera calles Seasame Street "Snuffy street". Lydia is now completely without a paci and doing fine. I now rock her and sing to her before puttign her down and she recently started singing along which is cute.
Kiera will now willingly drink water which has been a HUGE battle all of her life. I've literally strapped her in her highchair and made her stay there for an hour + in the past to get her to drink even an oz. Now she will drink it as long as she is rewarded by juice when she is done. Works for me.


Breanna said…
Those pictures are adorable! i miss those little ladies and I'm super excited to come visit in April!
Erica said…
Love the pics! SO cute!
Gramps said…
Ohmygoodness. You have an eye for cute pictures......these are great! They had me laughing before I read your text. So does Steve go on his "mission" AFTER finals?
Christa said…
This is really mom, not CK!
I am with Buffy! So excited to see those little ladies in a month! Great pictures as usual, but then with the subjects being so cute, how could you mess uP?

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