Happy Birthday Cambrie Annie!

Happy birthday Punkin'.  May you have a day filled with bluebirds flying around your shoulders, racoons and squirrels running around your feet, and conversations with a talking teacup or candle holder.  Oh yea...and pink ribbons....lots of pink ribbons.   In other words, have a magical day!  One more year and you'll be as old as I am.


Christa said…
Happy birthday, little sister! I hope you take a break from your normally crazy schedule to celebrate!
Chad said…
Happy Birthday, little sis! I hope Kiera and Lydia help you open all your presents. You know it's a good birthday when you have other people open your presents for you. Ahhh, the life of ease. Now if you could just get them to make dinner....
Marilyn said…
Happy Birthday sister! It's odd that I'm leaving on a mission today but I hope you have a happy birthday without me... Tell Lydia and Kiera to give you extra hugs and kisses from me. By the way.... what do you know about the mormon church and would you like to know more :-)

PS... in case you couldn't tell this is sister buffalo posting on mom's account
Marilyn said…
And this is the mom posting on my account to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET LITTLE DAUGHTER! I LOVE YA!
Erica said…
Happy Birthday, Cambrie!
Cambrienelson said…
Thanks ya'll. I feel especially fortunate to get a birthday wish from Buff as this is more HER special day.
I spent the morning babysitting 6 kids. I'll be working from 4pm-11pm. I pulled out a cupcake and put a candle in it and let my girls blow on it for a while. Steve made me breakfast. Good birthday I'd say.

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