Our Smart Boy

I can't post this on our family blog because I don't want to make any of my friends vomit or start questioning their parenting, but since you all are family (and no one has kids Benjamin's age to compare to him), I wanted to share.

Benjamin's parent teacher conference was about a week ago, and of course his teacher only had great things to say about him. The thing that did surprise us, however, is that she said that she thinks we should test him into third grade next year! We don't want to-- not because we don't think he could handle it-- just because we don't want him to be 2 years younger than his classmates. (He might not ever forgive us if he couldn't date or drive until his senior year of high school!) Not bad for a kid who should be in kindergarten, huh? We're proud of our Benjamin!


Chad said…
Great... now when Emmy is in Kindergarten, we're going to feel bad if she doesn't qualify for a jump to at least second grade... j/k.

Way to go Benjamin! I bet he could jump to third grade, then to fifth, and have his bachelor's degree before he goes on a mission! But that's no fun... If I were in your shoes, I don't know what I'd do.
Gramps said…
That's wonderful and it doesn't surprise me. He's an exceptionally smart boy. I assume some of that is natural ability and some is parental guidance. I've got grandkids that are really smart and ones that aren't as smart and that's just OK with me. You can be proud of kids for different reasons I've found. Level of IQ, level of skill, etc. make no difference in the worth of the person. They're just a few things of many to encourage and be proud of. Thanks for sharing...it's fun to share the joy in kid's accomplishments! The reason I say what I do is because Ty may not turn out to be as smart...or he may be smarter. Same with my other grandkids. I'm sure they'll have accomplishments to be just as proud of. Look at your mom...she's not nearly as smart as me and I still love her! [grinning, ducking, and running very fast.....] KIDDING!
Marilyn said…
Kim has always enjoyed being scared, and he should be really enjoying this fear he has until I get my revenge!JK< too!
Yes, you could say that boy is SMART! Wonderful! I'll bet he gets talked about over the lunch table by his teacher frequently!
Too bad the social problems that would come in HS has to get in the way of moving him to where he should be intellectually!
Cambrienelson said…
CK-- is your comment on not wanting to make your friends vomit referring to my most recent blog? : ) j/k I know that not everyone in my family blog's audience will care about all of my posts.

Great job Benjamin! I think that is awesome! I agree with you on not moving him ahead more than 1 year. Not only is be smart-- he has wise parents who are not going to "super child" him. I agree that he would not like it later on. Awesome nevertheless.

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