It's spring!'s warm.  I turned my furnace off Friday night and it's still off.  Today I put in a fence on our side yard to keep munchkins in the back yard and was sweating doing it.  I also had to get the lawnmower at our duplex running...and replace a wheel (how do you lose a lawnmower wheel and not know where it went?....)  Once I got it running, and a new wheel on, I mowed the front lawn with it for the first time of the season (yuck) I also turned on the water to our sprinkler system.  Water is in our stream and there are kids wading in it.  It's definitely spring!  I hope the 4 Groneman's are safe on their way back home tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to having my sweetheart back home.


Marilyn said…
my laptop is possessed! It doesn't want me to tell you that I love you and miss you and will be a happy wife to be in your lovin' arms tomorrow!
Christa said…
Thanks for the fence!

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