Gronemans looking to move

The Groneman family is looking to move. We found out today that my work will be moving to the Thanksgiving Point area sometime in Fall next year. We want to move before then.

So, if you know of any excellent homes for an excellent price in that general area, let us know.


Christa said…
Yeah! We're glad that you guys will be closer. Hopefully we'll see you more often!
Katie Groneman said…
Wow!!! Sounds fun! We'll keep a look out, but most the houses in my parent's neighborhood are either built in the 70's or are brand new mansions...
Gramps said…
Coolness. What are your plans? Are you going to put up your townhouse forsale immediatly? Will you put up your other house for sale? Our apartment is open and available for transitional stay. Are you looking for a permanent type house or an interim type house? Yer mom has all kinds of ideas (of course) ;-) I'm sure Erica's family likes the prospects as well.
Chad said…
Lots of questions, we don't have the answers to all of them yet.

We want to move before May next year - really, the sooner the better. We're anticipating that home prices in that area will go up a bit, because my company is relocating there and Adobe is likely going to relocate there as well. Also, we like the interest rates right now.

Ideally, we want a home we can stay in 'till the day we die. But finances probably won't allow that.

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