What a weekend

I swear...one of these days I'll be able to relax and have fun.  I will.  I took Thurs/Fri off this past week.  I was going to do a solo ATV ride, but I was kind of not feeling like it so Marilyn announced Thursday morning that we needed to do peaches, pears, and raspberries.  We did.  Fun [not].   Friday we went to the mountain and spent most of the day winterizing the place.  I reached under a piece of rubber and didn't realize there was a hornet nest under there.  It got me.  Ouch!  Luckily, I had a beautiful and charming girl to feel sorry for me and put soda on it.  Saturday morning we loaded the Jeep with the generators (mine and grandpa's) and all the food and freezables from the mountain and headed for home.  We were going to pick up Emmy but our Jeep was too full (it also had a wheelchair in it for Grandma). 

When I got home, I looked at that dead ugly tree that we pampered but it died on us anyway in front of our living room window.  I decided it was time for it to go and get another one growing so it will produce a little bit of shade before I'm 70 years old.   I cut it down and dug the stump out and found out why it died.  It would have died no matter how we pampered it because the roots were mostly all going to the East from the tree and they were intertwined with each other so as they grew, they choked each other.  The tree never had a chance.   Thank goodness for a good ol' Jeep to pull the stump out once I had it mostly cut loose.   I cut up the big parts for firewood and hauled them to the back yard. The rest I loaded on the trailer and hauled to the recycling plant.   Marilyn had researched and decided she wanted an "Autumn Blaze Maple" to replace it.  She called Cook's greenhouse and found they had some and they were on sale.  After I unloaded the limbs/stump I headed over there to get one.  Unfortunately, they only had one and it was mostly dead.   I headed over to Lindon Nursery and they had a nice one but it was more expensive...Oh well.   I got it, brought it home and planted it.  I then mowed the lawns and finished as it started to get dusk.  After all that I had to spend the evening/night alone because my girl had to go help Grandpa H.   I'm looking forward to Monday so I can get back to work and rest.   Marilyn's right. There *IS* no rest for the wicked.


Marilyn said…
Not the kind of vacation he wanted, but he did get a lot done. Winter is coming and we are BOTH looking forward to it as a time that isn't so busy!
Cambrienelson said…
Busy. I don't envy the canning bit. No fun at all. But it could have been worse: beets or beans or some other NASTY food. But pears are particulary difficult with all of the peeling and your hands going grandma-like.
Gramps said…
But wait...my hands are ALREADY grandma like!
Christa said…
It does sound exhausting. But didn't you just get back from an ATV trip?
Erica said…
Busy busy! I have to admit, though, I really like to can. There is something so satisfying seeing the finished product. Lots of work, though. I'm impressed with how much you did in one day.
Gramps said…
Yes, Christa, we just returned from an ATV trip the previous weekend. No connection. :-)

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