Weekend at the mountain

Friday was a very cood day but Chad/Erica/Emmy were going to the mountain so we did too.  We built a big fire and I'm glad we did...it would have been cold without it!  Emmy was cute...she loved the freedom of being outside and just being able to run wherever she wanted to go.  Sometimes she wanted to be by the fire without an adult holding on to her but we had to limit her freedom a little there...and she wasn't thrilled, but dealt with it.  The smile on her face of pure happiness to be that free and unconfined was nice.  Marilyn had fixed us all a nice tri-tip roast and some corn on the cob and Erica made a delicous salad.  Nummy.  She also made a dutch-oven cake in the fire that was also pretty tastey.  The younger Groneman's didn't stay the night but we old fogies did.  Brrrrrr.  It got well below freezing.  There was frost inside our trailer in the morning.  Thank goodness for a heater.  After the sun came out it was a really nice day.  Emmy had left her shoes so we stopped by to drop them off but Emmy wasn't home so we left them next to the door.  I hope a dog or zombie didn't take off with them before Emmy got home.  We had to come off the mountain before I wanted to because we needed to visit Grandma and go pick some peaches and I needed to grease the ATV trailer and try to fix the faucet in the basement.   Oh...and Marilyn PROMISED me some Trifle if I helped her pick berries, which seemed like a good deal to me.  After Cambrie's beetle incident we inspected the berries WITH glasses on and very carefully.  Got all the hitchhikers taken off.  She was gonna make the cake last night but OBVIOUSLY forgot so I got up early this morning and made it.   Sheesh...I have to make my own cake, fix my own breakfast, wipe my own bottom (Christa), etc. etc. 


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