The Missing Wallet

I slept in 'till 8 this morning (that was 9.5 hours of sleep, which was good after working several 14-16 hour days in a row). I did a bunch of miscellaneous things, and by early afternoon I was ready to go on a bike ride. On my way out, I stopped at a bike shop and made a small purchase using my credit card. The bike ride wasn't that great. Anyway I returned home and realized I no longer had my wallet with me.

In my mind I retraced everything I'd done since going to the bike shop. It wasn't much. I had my wallet with me at the bike shop, and had only pulled out my card to make the purchase, and I remembered getting the card back and putting it in my wallet. From there I drove to the trailhead and went on my bike ride. I drove straight home afterwards, took care of my bike, and took a shower. And now I no longer had my wallet. I searched my pockets, my room, the living room, the bathroom, my car. No wallet. So, I decided it would be prudent to report my credit cards missing.

I called up Capital One's "Missing Card" phone number off their website. I got a machine asking me for my 16 digit account number, found on the credit card. It went something like this: "Please say or enter the 16 digit account number. This can be found on the front of your card." I waited for it to give me more options. Nope. "I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Please say or enter...." It just kept repeating that. Finally I pushed zero, then #, and it gave me some more options, one of which was my SSN. So I used that, and I was "waiting for the next available representative". I decided to continue searching for my wallet, and fifteen minutes later I found it hiding under the passenger seat of my car. I dunno how it got there. But I was a little surprised that I still hadn't been able to report my card missing. I expected it would be a < 5 minute thing. Obviously I was wrong.

On a side note, I also charged my regular phone and got messages off of it today. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I really liked Benjamin wishing his Uncle Chad a happy birthday. And sorry, Nelsons - I can't make it to your house for dinner on my birthday. I was working a long day. With the exception of time to sleep and eat, we worked every hour we could until it was time to catch the last plane to SLC Friday night. Sometimes it's like that. Maybe another time. But I'll see you in a couple of weeks in Baltimore!


Gramps said…
'tis why I always have some paperwork with my CC number on it in our files. Glad you found your wallet! I lost my wallet once when I was riding my motorcycle up in the hills above Orem. Thought it was gone for good. Some good Samaritan found it in the middle of the road and returned it to me a couple of weeks later. It had apparently bounced out of my back pocket. I'm also glad you're back from work. APPLE PIE TIME!!!!! YEA!!!!
Marilyn said…
Hey, Chad got a Digital Camera carry case that hooks on to his belt for his birthday, so now, we can expect to get pictures with his road trips.
Cool, huh?

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