Yesterday I participated in an asthma/allergy study to try to earn a few pesos, and I found out a few interesting things. The researchers were looking for people who are allergic to ragweed and dust to participate in the study, and while I know that I have seasonal allergies, I wasn't sure what I was allergic to, and I was worried that I wouldn't qualify to do the rest of the study (which is $450!). Well, as part of the screening they put about 10 different allergen solutions on my arm and then pricked me under each one. If you are allergic to the solution, a hive will form where you were pricked, and the more allergic you are, the bigger the hive will be. After I was pricked, nothing happened for a few minutes, and I thought, "Oh, man! I'm not going to qualify for this study!" But then my arm started to burn, and soon I had a bunch of hives all over my arm. The researcher lady and doctor were both impressed because it turns out that I'm allergic to almost everything they tested! I have a big allergy to grasses and timothy trees, a medium-sized allergy to other mixed trees, ragweed and cats, and small allergies to certain molds, dust, and cockroaches (eeew!). There were only 2 allergens that I had no reaction to: a certain mold and dogs (yeah!). I thought it was interesting since I know that Brett is very allergic to grass. Well, the good news is that I qualify for the study!


Gramps said…
Wow. I didn't know you were allergic to anything. I thought I wasn't allergic to anything until one day I was pulling ragweed out of our back yard. Holy cow. It hit me like a Mack truck. The only allergy I know you kids having is Brett's allergy to grass which manifest itself when he was a little grasshopper. I wish someone would pay me $450 to be allergic.
Unknown said…
The Guinea pigs are now voulenteering. . .

...and getting paid...
Chad said…
I'll pass on the $450 and try to stay allergy-free.
Cambrienelson said…
cool I wish I could participate
Marilyn said…
Heck yeah! Sounds like easy money to me! Lets see,....if I did it 4 times I could pay for my trip to Isreal! Sign me up!
BUFFY said…
Hey me too me too!

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