Thanks for your prayers, everyone! Jacob is still sick, but doing much better today. Brigham returned home safely, and is officially DONE with medical school! Hooray! Also-- we got a phone call from the "woo study" people. We need a count on how many people want to do their thing in a bucket for $50 so we know how many to request.


Gramps said…
WooHoo! (no connection with the study). How does Brigham feel about his tests? I'm VERY glad Jacob is feeling a bit better. Hope that trend continues. I'll pass on the study thanks anyway.
Chad said…
I'm glad Jacob is doing better. I like healthy Jacob. I like Jacob no matter what, but I like to see him healthy.
Cambrienelson said…
You know you are rich when you won't woo in a bucket for $50. Count 3 of us in.
Marilyn said…
Is anything else involved? Do you have to go in for anything else, or just donate the "woo"? If everyone else is going to do it, I will too, but if the rest of the fam isn't going to it wouldn't be worth doing it just for me. I would be more excited to do the allergy study (especially for the $ difference, that is for sure-and yes, I realize that probably isn't an option.) Really, any study that would take 1/2 day of our time there to do, is somewhat questionable in my mind, unless the $ were really good. I could pass on this one. But I will leave that up to the group.
Christa said…
The allergy study requires 4 visits to the clinic and 2 bronchoscopies-- one to introduce something your allergic to into your lung tissue, and one to collect the tissue around the allergen to see how it reacted. There wouldn't be time for you to do it. The woo study will only take you 10 minutes to fill out a questionnaire about your health. You don't even have to leave the house to do it. Mom-- just decide if YOU want to do it. Everyone else will make their own choice. This is the very definition of easy money. Dastrups and Nelsons are definitely doing it.
BUFFY said…
I'll do it too

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