This is in response to Kim's comment. This is too long to put in the comment section, and I would like everyone who may not read all of the comments to read it.
One thing I have learn about trials: They really do work for our good. I have never been as happy (in my entire life) as I am now. Why? because the trials that I have experienced over the last 40 years have each helped to bring me a little closer to the Lord. My view on life and trials is dramatically different now than it was even 5 years ago. Trials have become easier for me to deal with, indeed, much of what would have been a huge trial for me 5 years ago, is now water off a ducks back. I am GRATEFUL for the trials that I have passed through, for they really have "been for my good" as the scriptures say. So when I pray to ask for the Lord to guide the Dr to help Cambrie, I always add "but if there is more that will bless her life by passing through this trial yet again, and it is to be for her good, then thy will be done."
We can pray ourselves out of what would ultimately be a blessing to us. That I know. I just want the Lord to run things as he sees fit, for only He knows what experiences we need to pass through to get us to where we need to go, that will be FOR OUR GOOD. I am happy when the Lord blesses me with what I desire, but I am also happy when he doesn't because I trust him COMPLETELY. He is the master Gardener here, and he knows what he is doing. Once people know this truth and believe it with all of their hearts, life becomes easier and happier. It helps us to accept our hardships with more joy because we know that they are helping us to grow. We ask, "Strengthen me, Oh Lord, with the strength I need to endure this trial, and help me to learn whatever it is that Thou art trying to teach me so that I can become a better person". When we can submit to God's will with a cheerful heart and not murmer, then God can bless us as he did Alma's righteous people who were in bondage to the Lamanites: "And it came to pass that the burdens which were place upon Alma and his brethern were made light, yeah, the Lord did strengthen them that they did bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord." Mosiah 24:15. It also talks about how that they didn't feel the burdens that were placed upon their backs....
The Lord can strengthen us so that our burdens are not felt...or that they become easy to bear, especially as we trust him completely and put our faith in him always.
Will I continue to pray for Cambrie? Absolutely; that if it is the Lords will, that she get the help she needs sooner IF IT IS THE LORDS WILL IN HIS PURPOSES FOR HER. If it is not his will, I will be there to help her through it. And there will be no feelings of "the Lord isn't there and doesn't really care about what we want" or any other feelings of doubt that Satan would try to use against me because I didn't get what I had wished for. My faith will not burn any less brightly, because I knew when I asked that this might not be the Lord's will, and I accepted that possibility before I prayed in the first place. But I know, that whatever happens it will be for her good, and likely mine too, so I am at peace with whatever happens. I hope that is how the rest of you see this too.


Chad said…
I agree.

Off topic, for mom, and anyone else who finds it helpful: White space is your friend. It makes things easier to read.
Marilyn said…
Yes, white space is good. But Kim doesn't like a lot of it when he goes to print these off.

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