yes, we are pregnant! Surprise!!!! Are we nervous? Yes. I'm just now experiencing my first day of nausea (although only slight so far). The moment we found out we were pregnant I started eating everything in sight as they say that if you have a history of hyperemesis that it is wise to start off your pregnancy a little overweight. What a strange thing to do after trying so hard to loose the weight from my last pregnancy!!! I also quit running which seemed a little crazy since I ran my half marathon just a week or so before we got pregnant and I was doing so well! It's a darn good thing that Danthony will be leaving us in the next 2 days or so since I'm having a hard time keeping up with 2 babies! We are due september 4th. Hopefully this one will not be as difficult as the last one as they can treat the problem sooner and they already know which drugs don't work. I'm going to ask my doctor for a feeding tube this time instead of an IV. Anyway, I would appriciate any prayers you can send heavenward....I think I'm going to need it.

PS-- there are some hyperemesis links on our nelson family blog if anyone is interested.


Erica said…
Oh my gosh! That is awesome! Congratulations!!! WAHOO!!!! What great news! We will be praying for you guys. Thanks for sharing!!!! :)
Christa said…
Yeah!!! You are in our prayers! Good luck!
Marilyn said…
I knew already. I am praying for you and I put your name on the temple prayer roll today. I have known about this since Brett's birthday, the 28th, and I am excited/tempered by alot of caution, as I saw first hand the effects last time.
Cambrie, doesn't a feeding tube go into your stomach, and if so, wouldn't you still just throw it up?
Marilyn said…
Send me your link to your other blogspot so I can put it in my favorites, please.
Cambrienelson said…
mom-- they can put the feeding tube end in my intestines which will bypass the stomach and hopefully aide the problem.

(there is a link to it on the left of the blog)
Unknown said…
Ha! I knew the answer to that question before Cambrie even said anything! I must be smart.

Congrats Cambrie and good luck . . .
Gramps said…
Cambrie, about your blog name......isn't that name kind of limiting given the fact that you'll have another child that wants to be included as part of the family?

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