Yer mother has gone to do her visiting teaching. She doesn't go visit individual sisters any more. In our ward they have visiting teaching "groups" where a gaggle of women get together to shoot the bull. Yea. Visiting teaching. I think they should do the same for the men and home teaching. Everyone can get together at the football or basketball game and do the fellowshipping that's supposed to happen. Maybe have a group meet at Home Depot and look at tools then report in. I'd sponsor a home teaching ATV ride and my home teachers could fellowship me all day. Why leave all the fun to the sisters? No longer any reason to wait until the last day of the month!


Cambrienelson said…
yes, I personally think that the cedar hills way of doing it is a little pointless myself. but then again, I get the visiting teaching message sent to me in the mail every month and apparently that counts as visiting teaching.
Marilyn said…
You never get VISITED? That isn't right. Actually, our "cluster" is very close. And today, we spent at least half of the time talking about things of the spirit. That is just how our group is. We all have such strong tesimonies of the gospel, that the Gospel IS our life. It is just natural to talk about what you love the what my sweet imagines as happening is only 1/2 right-that being a bunch of women sitting around talking together. But the nature of our conversations would totally take him by surprise!
Christa said…
I think it's awesome. Wish we could do it that way.
Stevo said…
:) You can be my home teacher
Gramps said…
Pointless Cambrie? Awsome Christa? I'm kind of halfway between. On one hand it's probably a better way to actually become friends, get to know each other better and visiting/home teaching doesn't become a chore you have to suffer through each month. Oh the other hand, if there are problems you want to talk about, you are less likely to bring them up in a group fun setting than in a one-on-one.
Marilyn said…
Actually, if you trust the people in your group like we trust each other, there isn't anything I wouldn't tell them, no matter how bad. Our group IS what Visiting teaching is supposed to be, true love concern, and empathy for one another.
Gramps said…'s becoming clear. *That's* why all those women give me the evil eye when I pass them in the hall at church.
Gramps said…
Oh...and the question is "Do they trust YOU?"

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