I am completely mystified. Last night Brigham was wonderful enough to put Jacob to bed for me. (That's actually not the mysterious part. Just you wait...) Around 9 pm I went in to check on the boys for the night, and I found Jacob sleeping peacefully. I leaned in to get a closer look at my sleeping angel and saw a diaper lying next to him. I picked it up and found it with the tabs still attached, as if he had just slid it down his legs. Then I checked Jacob and found that his onesie (worn precisely to keep the diaper on) was still completely snapped up. He and the bed were soaking wet. How on earth did he get that diaper off without undoing the diaper tabs or unsnapping his onesie?? He's gone Houdini on us, I guess. Now you have all the evidence I do. I hope someone smarter than myself can solve this mystery and explain it to me.


Stevo said…
Looks like Brigham forgot how to change diapers:)
Gramps said…
Um...Christa, Brigham, the diaper goes on the INSIDE of the onesie........... I know how it is when you're tired....anyone can make a mistake.
Marilyn said…
Could it possibly be that you are your grandmothers grandchild already? Aurrrgh! There is an ugly thought!
Christa said…
I didn't put him to bed, so no-- that's not it. And trust me-- I would NEVER forget to put on a diaper!

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