Well I thought it was funny to read about you all getting worked up and worried over my lil' joke. Good entertainment folks. Thanks. I really thought you must realize at some point (Laptop while watching Wicked??) that I was lying. I didn't expect it to work that well. I guess Dad has some claim on figuring out that something was up.

Mom left a comment on one of my postings about the Boren's hand-truck thing that we left in mom n' dad's jeep. By the time we figured out it was missing from the Boren's and we called to ask mom and dad if it had shown up at their place, I still hadn't read all of the blog and postings, and mom said, "yeah, didn't you get my comment on the blog about it?"

And I hadn't seen the blog for over a week.

Anyhow... The trip was fun. For those of you who haven't been on cruises, they stuff you silly full of good food. There was a funny comedian show we went to (that was surprisingly clean for pretty much the whole show). Katie and I won a free lil' gift pack thing from the cruise line on some more-lame-than-we-expected honeymooners thing. But we got "underwater wallets that may or may not keep things dry" (particularly the "may not" part from our experience), two visors (which we won't be using) two XXL Bingo t-shirts, and a shoulder-strapped semi-insulated lunch bag thing to put it all in.

After the cruise, we stayed an extra day to see Wicked in Los Angeles. Definitely a highlight of the trip. I liked it better than I thought I would.

And I think the best report of the happenings will be with pictures. I'll have to post them on here soon and make comments.

Anyway it was fun. And we thought the wedding day went well and we both liked the dinner thing instead of the reception. We were glad we did it that way. I think everyone was able to enjoy themselves a bit more that way. So thanks again for everyone's help. I think the wedding day was great besides a little possibly nerve-induced sickness in the morning (which I was glad that it went away a couple of hours before the wedding and never came back).

The other good news is that we still got lots of free stuff from people! We ended up owning 7 hand mixers and 4 crock pots along with a few other duplicates, but fortunately, Walmart's return policy is pretty easy. And we were surprised how many people (particularly you people) got us multiple nice gifts. We really weren't expecting that. We were very surprised that y'all got us stuff beyond Katie's sister's camping shower she threw. So um, thanks again family.

Okay I'm off to try to figure more married life out -- Insurance and FSA's and stuff.


Gramps said…
"Okay I'm off to try to figure more
married life out" When you get that all figured out, let me in on the secrets will ya? I haven't got it all figured out yet.
Chad said…
If by chance Wal-mart doesn't like one of your hand-mixers - We didn't get a single one for our wedding. Erica might say we have a Kitchen-Aid, but it's not as easy to pull out and use real quick.
Christa said…
There's nothing wrong with regifting!
Stevo said…
Bert, can you put your wedding video that you made on-line? I didn't get to see most of it and wanted to watch it.
Unknown said…
Chad, I'm pretty sure we can stand to give you a hand mixer.

And I've never put anything on YouTube Steve. Maybe I'll try to figure that out today. It can't be too hard.
Unknown said…
It turns out putting things on youtube isn't as easy for me as I thought. I'm living in Wymount, and along with that I get BYU internet which blocks Youtube. So...I'll do it at the parent's house some day.

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