So there I was, minding my own business, watering my plants (don't ever try to grow a garden in pots-- it's not worth it) ...when a VERY large and in-charge black widow spider crawled up the side of on the the flower pots. I of course did what any normal person would do: panicked and fetched my husband for a STAT spider extermination. Stevo the hero arrived on the scene and killed the spider. Upon lifting the flower pot up he discovered a very nicely made egg-sac which he also disposed of properly. Just think... we could have had hundreds of them wandering our yard were it not for Steve's bravery. Yucky!! I'd like to apologize to the the black widow's widower: I'm sorry I killed your wife and children....if I find you I'll kill you too....or actually I'll make my husband do it.


Christa said…
Well done. Good thing Steve was home! What would you have done had he been at school?
Erica said…
Chad and I were just talking about scary spiders and the ones to look out for (our garden is full of spiders, but not the bad kinds). That freaks me out that a black widow was so close. Yikes!
Gramps said…
I would like to thank Steve for his unabashed acts of bravery and self sacrifice in protecting my daughter and grandchildren. When will the governator be down to present the medal?
Marilyn said…
Brooms and spider spray work nicely too!

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