So, I hadn't really felt the baby much for a few days (not that I was really feeling much more than somersaults and fluttering anyway), and it was making me worried that there was something wrong (yes, I know I'm a first-time mom). This morning when I woke up, I prayed earnestly, "Father, I just need to know if our baby is okay." Well, at lunch I wasn't really feeling well at all, like it was as if I was having morning sickness from the first trimester. I took that as my answer that everything is fine. Our prayers are answered in interesting ways. :) Even still, I'm anxious for our appt on Monday to hear that heartbeat again.


Cambrienelson said…
I don't check the blog often when I'm in Utah for some reason....

I'm glad to hear that you are sick (I guess). It is scary to worry about your baby being ok
Marilyn said…
Yes, Cambrie... I also don't really check the blog when the family is here. Everyone went home this morning...
Erica, I am glad you were re assured!

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