Benjamin the Handsome

From Benjamin's glasses, etc.

Pretty good-looking, eh? We sure think so!

So we survived day one of sleep training! Once he finally fell asleep, he slept for 5 hours-- a new record for him! He also fell back asleep by himself after a feeding-- another first. So the agony is worth it, I guess. Hopefully he won't cry for a full two hours tonight! Wish us luck!


Marilyn said…
...and from your on the spot reporter, Marilyn Groneman, I am here to report that Ty actually took a 3 hour nap today, only needing to be loved back to sleep once. HUGE SCORE! AND....That is not all folks, he only cried about 30 minutes on night #2 of sleep training. I think that CK is well on her way to getting her life back! :) Maybe my agony was worth it!
Marilyn said…
Great looking, kid, eh?
Stevo said…
Picture is of Benjamin so I'm assuming the article is too. Way to go Benjamin! 5 hours of sleep all by yourself! Way to go Champ!...and finally not crying for 2 whole hours--that'll impress the ladies
Chad said…
I hope the sleeping trend continues!
Gramps said…
Cool Glasses. Gramps got glasses when he was just a couple of years older than Benjamin. What a handsome dude.
Erica said…
I love Benjamin's expression! And the glasses are adorable too.

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