Lessons learned about grocery shopping with a toddler

About a month ago I got in a car accident in the grocery store parking lot. But I was not driving my car at the time. So I had one of those huge and bulky shopping carts with the little red car in the front (which makes grocery shopping with a toddler about 50% easier). I had just wheeled the beast out to my car. The first thing I have to do before unloading groceries is to put Kiera in the car so she can't run away through the parking lot. So, that it what I did. I plopped her on her car seat with the intention of doing up the seatbelt later, shut the door, and started pushing the cart around to the back of my car when all of the sudden Kiera was screaming histerically and obviously in pain. I ran to pull her off of the seat belt that was burning her and turned around to see the beast of stroller had rolled into the car that was sitting next to me (just as they were getting in their car) It dented there car and they took down my insurance info. What a pain.

Today in NM I took both of my little ladies to the store with the intention of doing major shopping (and haveing Kiera ride in one of the little red cars. Unfortunately, this grocery store recently got rid of all of those carts. Instead they had little mini carts for kids to push around. At first Kiera loved it and was especially helpful in choosing Tomatos from the bottom of the pile and making tons of produce fall down. As I'm in the process of cleaning it up she is headed for the grapefruits....needless to say we got out of the produce section really fast. So the rest of the time it was trying to keep her with me. "This way Kiera!......OUCH! Don't crash the cart into mommy's heels please....OUCH! This way Kiera...." Near the end of the shopping trip she crashed her cart into a poor little old man who must have been at least 70. I felt SO bad! All I could do was apologize as I thought of the fact that he very well could have fallen and broken a hip or something. I learned to be on the defense for targets after that. Shortly thereafter she broke down crying and sat down refusing to move. I had a cart filled to the brim and Lydia so I had to drag my crying Kiera who wanted me to carry her to the check out line and let her cry at my feet "mommy hold you!!!" while I bought everything. Lesson learned: Those little red car are a great idea for toddlers-- make SURE that the grocery store has them before taking 2 little ladies to the store....but just don't let go of them in the parking lot.


Stevo said…
...bet you wish you were studying for boards instead!
Gramps said…
We just used to get two carts and push/pull a kid in each one. We didn't view them as "carts" so much as we did "mobile cages" that also happened to hold a few groceries.
Erica said…
That does not sound fun at all. I'm sorry.
Marilyn said…
Yes, I feel your pain! But 2 is easy compared to 3! Well, if the older one was older than 5, it wouldn't be so bad...but mine were close. I tried it once, but never again!

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