A piece of motherly love and advice...

which of course you are welcome to recieve or toss out.

I know I have mentioned it to some of you, but I would feel like I was hoarding a treasure from people I love if I didn't say this to all of you! Years ago, when I got an MP3 for the first time, I started downloading conference off the churches website and listening to it as I was doing brainless work/ working in the yard/waiting at Drs offices/exercising. I knew it would help me to grow spiritually, and it has proved to be a great benefit to me! I have since figured out that you can also load BYU Ed week talks, BYU Women's conf talks, and the like....so that has furthered the blessing!
I am kinda a slow learner I have decided. I always watch conference. Sometimes I even take notes...but you miss a lot while you are writing down the last thing that you thought was profound. Anyway, my friends would mention something they thought was profound from whomever's talk the next week, and I frankly didn't remember it.
I find that when I listen to those talks another 8 times...they really go to my heart and mind. I remember and recognize lines out of them when teachers refer to them, and can remember what was said after that particular quote. They are a part of me I can keep and benefit from forever, not just a spiritual lift on General Conference days 4 days a year. The benefits have been very rewarding!!!
I would also encourage any of you who aren't, to read and STUDY Preach my Gospel, (and do all of the little assignments they give!). That has greatly improved my understanding and knowledge of the gospel and scriptures. My study is a lot more effective than it has ever been, and as the Doctrine in Covenants says, "A man cannot be save in ignorance".

When I get a new conference edition of the Ensign, I usually start with the Priesthood session talks since I didn't get to hear them. Let me HIGHLY recommend reading Elder Utdorfs talk...probably the best one I have ever read or heard on the subject...and it is a subject that I have been concerned about myself. Satan is so GOOD at distractions from what is important! His talks helps to point out the hazards in not focusing, heart and soul, on what is important.

OK< you may all breathe a collective sigh of relief! I am done!!


Gramps said…
She's an addict. She even listens to conference talks while riding our ATVs. Her MP3 player is now part of her daily wardrobe.

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