Our patio is done

FYI our patio out by the swing is now finished. AND, as a bonus highlight of this post, you MUST watch this video...and check out some of this kid's other videos on YouTube. What an amazing talent.


Cambrienelson said…
Talented kid!

I didn't know you were making a patio by the swing. how big is it?
Gramps said…
It's made from blocks of our neighbor's patio they took out. It's pretty small, only about 6 feet by 7 feet, but I've put in a rock wall around it and it makes a nice little place to sit and enjoy the yard.
Marilyn said…
It is a lot nicer than it was. With 100% shade there, the grass was 80% gone by the end of the summer. The cement doesn't die, nor make mud! Nice to have a husband that is so good at improving our yard for cheap! All's it cost is labor-but it was a workout! Thanks honey!
Christa said…
Good job, Dad. I wonder when we'll get to see it...

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