Kiera is 100% in "tinkling" in her potty for 5 days now (except at night). I'd say potty training is done. I do have to say though that the transition from little potty to big potty was difficult (it didn’t help that Lydia was sick either). She would tinkle a tiny bit and then ask to go again 5-10 mins later all day long! Finally I was trying to make dinner and after being interrupted twice by her asking me to go (meanwhile my sick little Lydia cries hard when I leave the room with Kiera and if I bring her with she rolls around our nasty bathroom floor). So she came up and asked again “tinkles, mommy!” So I broke down and busted out the little potty and put her in front of the TV on it. I then picked up Lydia and nursed the poor little thing to sleep. Kiera tinkled quite and bit and was quite pleased with her self and pulled out the tray beneath the potty that holds the tinkles before I could stop her (I don’t run very fast when I’m holding a sleeping baby). Of cour...
At first I questioned why this was here, but then I realized that if we see this kid, we'll know not to leave our kids alone with him.
I figure anywhere you go, there will be some. Some are more serious than others. There are also those who haven't been caught / convicted.
I think the best thing to do is to move into an area that has a good reputation. In other words, avoid West Valley City at all costs.