Happy Birthday Lydia! 2 Years Old

Guess what?  I was so busy playing with you on your birthday that I never got around to posting this on the blog yesterday.  I'm SO GLAD you came to visit my house!  You were so tired of traveling and sitting on Thursday when you got here it just didn't seem fair to make you sit in a car seat for another 40 minute ride to Gramps & Grandma's house.  You didn't like it but you made it.  However, we tortured you again by making you sit in the car for yet another 35 minutes while we drove you up to Jacob's birthday party.  But that's when the fun began....you had cousins to play with and your mom decided you and Kiera and she would spend the night at Jacob's house.

Friday was your birthday and Gramps came up to pick you up and take you back to our house.....yet ANOTHER car ride strapped into a seat..it just wasn't fair!  Well when we got home we started celebrating your birthday!  We played in the playhouse and jumped on the trampoline and played with the toys in the basement.  What fun!  (Except when you fell under the trampoline, hit your head on the bricks, and got a little bloody) Aunt Katie and Uncle Brett came over and they played with us too.  Grandma had marinated some good steaks and we threw them on the BBQ.  Mmmmm....good birthday dinner.  Cambrie made a birthday cake and she turned it into Trifle and we put two candles on it...we sang Happy Birthday while you boogied and then you blew out the two candles all by yourself on the first blow! Mmmm...the trifle was delicious.  You thought the world was coming to an end when your mom took off your clothes to put your jammies on and you wanted to be 'toodie'.  I've never seen a kid fight putting jammies on so much.  That was pretty much your birthday.  Emmy couldn't come play because she and her parents are sick.  Too bad.  It's now the morning after your birthday and you are still sound asleep and I can't wait until you wake up and give me a hug and kiss and we can play again!  


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