Marilyn the Gardener

Ain't she cute?  Click picture to see more. Marilyn wanted me to take some pictures of her showing what she "does" as a hobby. This is the best representation of what she does. Beautiful girl standing in a beautiful garden paradise.


Erica said…
Beautiful! Your yard is so peaceful.
Marilyn said…
Thanks, sweet Erica! You were here yesterday, but I missed hearing your sweet voice with your larangitis
Marilyn said…
Actually, the reason for the picture is because I am doing my profile for I want to answer peoples questions online about the church as we are encouraged to do. I am at a zone in my life I can actually DO that sort of thing. Thanks, Kim :)
Erica said…
I was reading some of the profiles the other day. Fun idea from the church! Lots of different people on there.
Cambrienelson said…
It is absolutely beautiful and I enjoy it every time I come.
I did not inherit the green thumb. You'll never see my yard looking like that!

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