We miss Emmy

We miss Emmy :'-(  Poor Emmy has a cold and she can't come and play. Yesterday morning the Nelson ladies got up and played in the basement.  That room down there is perfect for kids to play in with all the toys and Kiera and Lydia are taking advantage of it.  They use the coffee table in the middle to set up their kitchen on and play with the princesses on.  For lunch we went to the new McDonalds and played in the play area. It's a great play area for older kids but for this age, I think I like the play area in Arctic Circle a little better.  After naps we went up again to the Dastrup house for a good dinner of Talapia, roasted green tomatoes (they were NUMMY!) and roasted Zuchini (which was also pretty good).  Since the high temp yesterday only got to about 65 degrees at our house, Marilyn and Cambrie and Kiera and Lydia decided to make Pumpkin Pie.  Wowza!  We had it for dessert after dinner at the Dastrups.  Poor little Jacob was having a hard time breathing. They had to bring him home early from Bear Lake and take him to the doctor.  The doctor gave them some pills they tried to hide in a peanut butter sandwich and later in some birthday cake, but you can't fool Mr. Jacob!  He tasted it right off and spit it out and gagged.  Hope the little guy's asthma gets better soon.  Anyway..it was a great day off for Gramps.  Lots of fun and family.  I just wish that Emmy could join the ruckus.


Erica said…
We do too!!!!
Marilyn said…
Is she getting better yet? We really want to get these little girls together, but that sounds like a germ we don't want to tangle with...
Erica said…
Not yet. Chad's the one with the worst of it. This germ is MEAN! I'm going to be pretty pro-active with the "home remedies" today and see where that takes us. She doesn't have nearly the severity of the cold that Chad does, but still, considering the importance of this week for the Nelsons, we don't want to chance anything. Her symptoms are just a cough (at night and in the early morning) and slight runny nose. She woke up today with a hoarse voice. She runs around and plays just fine, though.

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