BrainBashers Common Answers

Wahoo! Chad was 747, Brett was 1386, Breanna was 1718 (snicker), Christa was 142 (hey!), Brigham was 122 (HEY!!!), and the rest of you appear to be the proverbial stick in the mud.

Hi Kim Groneman,

You came 329th in August's contest. Your answers were:

Name a mammal that can fly.
BAT [1st]

Name a prime number above 20.
23 [1st]

Name a romantic flower.
ROSE [1st]

Name a famous war.
WORLD WAR 2 [1st]

Name a colour of a candle.
WHITE [1st]

Name an animal kept as a family pet.
DOG [1st]

Name the shoe people put on first.
RIGHT [1st]

Name the number of eggs you can hold in your hands.
8 [6th : 3 was top]

Name a place on the body where you can wear jewellery.
NECK [1st]

Name a word ending in Z.
JAZZ [2nd : BUZZ was top]

Of course, I'll beat you all in September's brain basher !!!!!!!!!!!


Gramps said…
Oh....and what's up with the 3 eggs bit? A five year old could hold 3 eggs in his/her hands for heaven's sake! Good grief charlie brown.
Chad said…
Three in each hand I thought... Totalling 6, which is what I put.
Cambrienelson said…
I did it too. Where's my score?
Gramps said…
Did you get an email with your results? I didn't see your name in the list. If you didn't get your results via email either a) you didn't complete your entry by verifying the return email when you did it or 2) you were smoking something strong that day and thought you were entering the brainbashers contest when in reality you were signing up for a Ku-Klux-Klan membership. After you complete it, you MUST go to your email and click on the verification link they send you or they throw your entry out.
Unknown said…
Cambrie, you probably didn't "confirm your entry." They send you an email when you enter and you have to click on a link in the email so that they know that you are using your real email address.

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