Here are my 2 moderately interesting stories for the day:
#1- while "nesting" today I was organizing our stuff and I pulled out some of our Masks we bought in Africa that were made of wood. They had big tunnels all throughout them and saw-dust at the bottom of the box they were in. I guess I brought home a critter inside our african decor. I just hope it doesn't start eating our bed next!! (we got rid of the african stuff)

#2- we went to a wedding reception/ open house of one of steve's friends from high school. It was held at his parent's house and it was different than your average LDS function. Anyway, we were standing in the living room leaning against the back of one of there couches and there was a knock on the door so the groom who had been talking to steve and I answered it and gave some lady a hug and told her it was wonderful to see her. She then walked up to steve and I and started talking to us like we were the bride and groom (we were the best dressed people in the room because we were in slacks). We had to let her know that we were friends of the groom and that the kid who had just hugged her and she had pretty much ignored was the groom. It was pretty funny to be thought of as a bride considering how pregnant I am!! Anyway, embarassing moment for that lady : )


Chad said…
Did she come bearing any gifts? You could have gotten a free toaster if you would have played along!
Gramps said…
hehe...good idea Chad! Cambrie, you can play it smarter next time. As for your African critters, you probably could have fumigated the masks and killed them, but oh well. I would have gotten scared if you wore the masks anyway.

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