So, every time I get out of my statistics class at 9pm at night I call Steve on my cell phone and talk to him as I walk to my car since there are no lights in the parking lot and it's kindof scary. Well, on tuesdays as I was walking out of class there was some guy who came up to me and started walking and talking with me.
"So how's it going?" "what do you think of our class?" "what's your major?" "What happened to your arm?" [referring to my IV] "Your PREGNANT???...... um.... you don't look pregnant.... you must have been tiny before you got pregnant."
Anyway, it is always way akward to talk to these fellows who obviously have not looked at my left hand. I'm nice but brief and I try to divert the conversation to the fact that I'm married as quickly as possible to save them some embarassment. So this dude was ready to end our conversation after he figured it out so we started going our seperate ways and said our "nice to meet you's" and "goodbyes" and I picked up my phone and tried to call steve. Steve's phone was busy when I called him, but when I hung up it told me I had missed a call from Steve. Anyway, that happened a few times and it was apparent that we were trying to call each other. So as I try dialing again I realize that me and Senor Statistics are about to cross paths again. I didn't want to talk to him again especially since he thouroghly embarassed himself and we had already said goodbye so since I couldn't get through to Steve I just held my phone up to my head and started talking like I was talking to someone. Me and Senor Statistic's cars were parked right next to each other. But what was really embarassing is while I was pretending to talk on my cell phone my phone rang and since it was right next to my ear it scared me to death (also making it apparent that I had not been talking to anyone before it rang). Oh dear. Oh well.
So that is the most exciting thing that I can think to write about (but at least I write in the blog!!)


Gramps said…
Cool. Just think. You have to see this dude again. If it comes up in conversation just tell him you have a new type of call waiting that actually rings the phone while you're talking. Only an exta $7.99/month. Next time, get on the phone with Wonder Boy *BEFORE* you leave the building.
Christa said…
Ha, ha, ha! Great story! It must make you feel great to have guys hitting on you when you are 7 months pregnant!
Marilyn said…
Hey, that was the best laugh I have had all day! So it was worth it! At least for me :) No one ever hit on me at 7 months, that is for sure!!!

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