Nelson News: The good, the bad, and the very ugly

The good: We got the results of our ultrasounds and other tests. The baby is measuring normal and is doing fine.

The bad: The other night Steve starting trying to teach our unborn daughter to kick a football. He put the cold football on my abdomen (so of course she kicked it). I think he's going to try to make a football player out of my dainty daughter.

The ugly: on sunday I missed a dose of anzemet (a nausea medication I take once a day) and ever since then I have relapsed to my previous health. I have been unable to keep any food/liquids down. If I'm not doing any better by tomorrow they are going to re-insert an IV again. No fun. 9 more weeks to go.....


Chad said…
Come back to Utah, see if that helps.
Gramps said…
Good answer Chad! Good answer! Poor Punkin'
Christa said…
You are so tough, CAN! Hang in there!

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