So here is my blog posting even though I have nothing exciting to say. I'm still pregnant, a little nauseated (but tolerable). I'm taking a statistics class and it's really difficult for me because (as christa and mom already know) pregnant brains don't function normally.
As steve can testify to, I am the laziest pregnant lady this side of the Mississippi. I sleep 10-13 hours every day.
Steve is grateful to have a wife who cooks again. He was getting pretty used to frozen burritos and his ol' bachelor menu. For anyone who didn't know, steve is working a temporary job (60 days) at the VA hospital and we are hoping that it will become a perminant one when the 60 days are over.
I've been hanging out alot with the girls in my ward that have kids. I'm a mother-wanna-be. I've discovered that mothers have alot better social lives than working girls do!!!
Nothing else significant to report from Ontario California.


Gramps said…
Pregnant ladies deserve to be Lazy. *YOU* throw the frozen burritos in the microwave instead of Steve eh? ;-)
Christa said…
As your due date approaches, I suggest that you cherish every minute of those 10-13 hours of sleep and that you do absolutely everything decadent that you will want to do for the next ten years or so. Your lazy days are numbered, so enjoy!
Marilyn said…
yeah, trust your sister...she knows what she is talking about!! I think you and Steve ought to take a trip to the Redwood forest, camping or something that will become exceedingly difficult to do after you have your little darlin' least a date every week! You'll look back and wish ya had if ya don't!

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