I would like to propose the following sleeping arrangements for when we all come in December as a solution so we don't have to boot Grandpa out of his home:

Mom+Dad's room: CK and Brigham
Mom+ dad's closet: Bubby and jacob
guest room: mom and dad
Basement: Nelsons (so nobody has to hear our baby cry)
computer room: Brett or Buff (who both say that they MAY spend the night and if they do they would be happy to sleep in the living room).
Chad's appartment: Chad (who doesn't plan on staying the night in Cedar Hills at all).

Beings that Grandpa's little basement appartment is all that he has left as his, I think it would be terrible to boot him out of it at Christmas time. And what a way to make someone who is already depressed feel unwanted. I would far rather stay in the spidery basement than do that to Grandpa. Besides, I bet the best christmas gift we could give him would be to make him part of our holiday instead of getting rid of him.
What does everyone else think?


Gramps said…
I'd like to counterpropose: Christa & clan in the two upstairs west bedrooms. Plenty of room for 4 people during the time here. When Cambrie is here, she & her clan can take over the master bedroom/bath/closet & Mom & Dad can either sleep downstairs or in the living room on the new & improved queen air mattress we have. Any kid that wants to sleep over on Christmas eve there are plenty of places to sleep. (we have the bunks set up in the basement) Oh....yer mom has gone all out at turning the NorthWest bedroom into a guest room and I've built the above desk bunk in the computer room so we're good.
Unknown said…
Keeping Grandpa around is a good idea. Having him leave is a bad idea. I'm more than happy to sleep on foam camping mattresses. As for the rest of the details . . . I frankly don't care who sleeps where. Y'all can choose that.
Christa said…
Benjamin and Jacob wouldn't both fit in the closet, but he could sleep on the floor anywhere. Whatever works out best will be fine.
Cambrienelson said…
Fine with me as long as grandpa stays.
Marilyn said…
Cambrie. I cannot believe my eyes?!!! You are proposing to sleep with your baby in the unheated basement???? Have you lost it? That is just so insane you can't possibly think I would even consider it!!!
First, Christa is right...no way her 2 boys could sleep in the closet, it isn't big enough.
So, yeah, Dastrups could take over the 2 west upstairs room, just fine. And Nelsons aren't going to be here for long enough, so certainly they would be able to take over the Master bedroom...and I could stand the cold spidery basement for that long...but that still leaves out Brett and BJ and the only reason I EVER agreed to let grandpa move in here was because after worrying outloud to Saudra about fearing I wouldn't have enough room in my home for my children to come home, so they wouldn't come, she said when my family comes home she would take him, and she IS the daughter. It's not like he doesn't like going there. He does. And yes, Brett and Breanna and Chad have apts. in Provo. They won't be out on the street...but traditionally kids come HOME for christmas, and if they are staying in their apts so that Grandpa can stay here and then we don't get to spend time with them too, I will be truely angry! As it stands, we don't get to have Thanksgiving together this year anyway, and I ABSOLLUTELY want ALL of my children home TOGETHER while Cambrie and Steve are here, which sounds like it will be only 1-2 days at best anyway...and not on Christmas, so Grandpa will be here for christmas so you all can stop worrying!!! And he can be here for the day that Nelsons arrive so he can see their baby, so probably Saudra wouldn't need to take him anymore than one night. So, when Nelsons go back to California, he homes back...as long as Brett and breanna don't mind sleeping in the unfinished cold basement in the bunk beds that are set up there. The living room is not a good option because the noise and light from the kitchen/fam room come in there, and with Steve and Brigham staying up till 1 am and Kim getting up at 5 am, it will only be dark and quiet in there for 4 hours a night. Not a good situation. Anyway, Saundra comes and gets him every couple of months for a night or 2 anyway...This will just be another night or 2 at the most. So I put it to Brett and BJ and Chad. (One of you can sleep in the office bunk bed in the same room with the two little guys-I did it in Maryland, no problem) Are you going to come home while Nelsons are here and on Christmas eve and sleep in bunks? If so, then Grandpa can just stay here except for the nights that Nelsons are here.
The only other option I can think of is to have Nelsons sleep with their baby in grandpas living room, and share his bathroom. I await feedback...

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