Vote on Tuesday

Yea, it's not a major presidential election, but the philosophy of who leads this country, your state, and your town is important. Many lives have been lost through the years to guarantee YOU the opportunity to voice your opinions in the voting box. It would be a shame to waste that sacrifice. Another fatherly advice moment: Take the time to learn something about the candidates and the issues then spend the relatively little time/effort it takes to vote. Even if you feel you are in an area where the outcome is a forgone conclusion, the margin of the election can have an effect on what happens as well as future elections. "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." - John Quincy Adams "Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote." - William Simon

For those around here that wonder how/where to register/vote. GO HERE


Christa said…
christa and brigham both voted
Gramps said…
Good job Bug.

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