It's Time for the Great Stork!!!!!

Yes, boys and girls, it's the month of the Great Stork. That time of year when couples everywhere wait to see what the Great Stork will bring them. Of course, only good boys and girls get visited by the Great Stork. One night the Great Stork will be helped by his elves to pack his bag with babies to deliver around the world and after dark (yea, it's always after dark) he starts his flight with his huge bag full of babies and delivers them to good couples that have set their crib out by the fireplace. Of course he will only deliver if couples are asleep.......but once in a great while there have been reports of people actually seeing the Great Stork flying through the air carrying his bag in his beak saying "Ho Ho Ho!" as he flies in front of the moon. I'm really excited and anxious to find out if anyone in our family will get visited this month!!!!! I love the holiday season!


Gramps said…
Only the Great Stork and his elves know.
Christa said…
I won't be sleeping at all this month if the Great Stork only comes when people are sleeping!
Marilyn said…
Geez hon...maybe you missed your calling in life. You coulda been a writer of great books for children with an imagination like that!

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