Thanksgiving at Gronemanville

Here are some pictures. It was a great day. Mom cooked up a storm (bless her little heart...she'd been working on pies/rolls/etc. for a few days). Buff had spent the night, Chad and Brett came over about noon. Grandpa Groneman came up and we all spent the rest of the day together. We had a great dinner and some fights over pie (as you can see in the pictures :-) We played a lot of games and of course I won most of them (Who's your daddy?!?!) and we watched a movie. Friday was spent putting up Christmas decorations and playing a few games. Today we put the finishing touches on the Christmas decorations. Hey! There's presents under the tree for everyone from the oldest of family members to the very youngest!


Christa said…
Looks yummy! I wish my rolls had looked like that! They actually tasted pretty good, though. Thanks for the tips!
Marilyn said…
Kim, don't you know that if you lie that the elves will tell Santa and you will get nuttin' for Christmas! Chad won the game of discovery, I won the game of dice, Kim won Settlers, and Kim and Chad equally won at knock rummy. But a good time was had by all!
Cambrienelson said…
I am sad that we missed out on the first immediate Groneman family thanksgiving. I surely didn't care on thanksgiving day about not eating turkey and such, but now that I see pictures of rolls and apple pie I realized that I missed out. Someone brought us a store-bought apple pie yesterday and store-bought rolls but it doesn't compare.

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