So I was just playing with Google's Picasa Web Albums which I think all of you should be using for sharing pictures (instead of, oh. . . say, snapfish for example where I can't see the pictures because they deleted my account). Here's some pictures from Mesquite back forever ago, in case y'all never saw them.


Marilyn said…
Hey Brett. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed those, and now I can make a few more pictures for my book. I do like this way of doing it. No passwords is good.
Gramps said…
Yea, Snapfish is NOT my favorite way of sharing pictures. You sure gotta lotta blurry ones there son....
Unknown said…
I just had Picasa upload low quality (and small file size) pictures. Mom, if you're going to be using the pictures for something, tell me which ones. I can give you the full quality versions. I just use this thing to share the pictures with everyone, so I don't need the full-quality ones uploaded. And I have a really slow internet connection here, so it takes a while for me to upload the high-res pictures. Hence, the low quality pictures.

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