Looks like you will all get to meet Danthony at Christmas time (and looks like Buff and Dad will have one more to babysit during the wedding). I just got the phone call from the social worker who informed me
"They are giving his mom and dad 6 more months to clean up there lives",
"So we keep him for 6 more months?"
"yes-- although supposedly there is a sister interested in trying to get him, but she still hasn't even been fingerprinted so it's not very promising."
I have mixed emotions on the subject. Beings that today was a particularly difficult day, I'm disappointed, but I know that Kiera likes having him around, and I am pretty much adjusted to having the extra child, and I found out that I'm going to continue getting paid as if he was still a "special health care needs" baby although he is not. Anyway, that is the news.


Gramps said…
I guess the old saying is true: "Watch out for what you ask for as you may just get it" I find it interesting you know you are getting paid the "special needs" rate yet you sound disappointed you have to keep him. Are you having second thoughts about being a foster mom?
Christa said…
So it's ok for you to take him out of state? That's good. When are you arriving in Utah and how long are you staying? Can't wait to swap germs with you guys!
Marilyn said…
Y'all leave your germs home ok? I am fighting desperately to keep mine at bay!

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