So, suggestions anyone? BJ has had a pill stuck in her throat now for about 20 hours...getting increasingly more obnoxious. What isn't obvious that she might use to dislodge it?


Unknown said…
Wouldn't it dissolve by now? Are you sure it's not just a sore spot?
Stevo said…
2 weeks to live Buff!
BUFFY said…
it's possible i suppose and that's what I thought when i first took the pill... that it would dissolve i mean... but it wasn't there before I took the pill and I feel something constantly at the back of my throat though I can't tell if the feeling is coming more towards my nasal cavity or my esophagas. It makes me gag a lot and it's very hard to sleep with. I don't know what to do.
Gramps said…
Go to a doctor
BUFFY said…
don't worry everyone, it's gone. Last night i prayed very fervently that what ever it was that it would pass so that I could go on with my daily life and after waking up at various times during the night, I woke up this morning and it was gone! yeay me!
Stevo said…
So much for that 2 weeks thing
Unknown said…
So much for that atheist thing.
Marilyn said…
Brett! You have time to Blog! Better post something quick before your back in school. Have you made snow angels with Katie yet and got pictures for your wedding announcement?
vercingetorix said…
people always say "you're imagining it" or "its just a sore spot" but it's totally possible to get pieces of food and pills stuck in your sinus cavity when you are trying to swallow. I have no idea why but doctors seem to be at the top of the deniers list. if it happens again you can try to flush out your sinuses by gargling warm salt water. anyway, cheers on your recovery.

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