Imagine playing with your toys and making neighbors happy at the same time. That's me with my ATV and new snow plow blade! It's been a great snowstorm. Yer mother and I have been really enjoying this. After a great dinner of curry and pickled beans, we took a drive up AF canyon just to see the snow.


Marilyn said…
This storm that hit us was fantastic! 3 days of precipitation! It was supposed to start snowing early Sat am, but we woke to rain, and it didn't start snowing until about 3 pm, but then it really started! And because the trees were wet first, it really stuck, and just was so glorious! Kim and I have been reveling in the beauty of it all!
Cambrienelson said…
Beautiful pictures. Nice photography work.

Looks cold. Looks difficult to drive in.
Christa said…
Gorgeous gorgeous! Looks very Christmas-y!

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