Due to the insurmountable clamoring to reveal the correct answers of the Groneman anagrams posted last month, we felt it necessary to succomb to these requests. Here are the hidden messages behind our innocent names:

10. Groneman dad Garden Nomad
9. Groneman mom Mormon Mange
8. Lone pear HS Loner Phase
7. Brettisha Groneman Something aberrant
6. Kiera F Nelson Forsaken Line
5. Brigham Dastrup Burst Diaphragm (possible cause of death???)
4. Cambrie A Nelson Sociable Manner
3. Kim L Groneman Mongrel Makin'
2. Chad S Groneman Grandma Chosen (some may disagree)
1. Malesa Weber Males Beware


Gramps said…
My kids should take offense at #3

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