I saw my OB doctor this past week. I was asking her about her opinion of what will happen when my baby is so big that he/she starts pushing against my stomach and displacing it. She could only give me a guess (since no pregnant woman has ever had a feeding tube in that long). She said she guessed I would start to feel really uncomfortable and maybe a little pain and that it would happen at about 25 weeks (I'm 19 weeks now). If she's right, that's in a month and a half! I've tried to start wheening myself off the feeding tube, but I'm pretty much done trying because it just makes me nauseated.

I saw the doctor who put in the tube today. He told me he is excited to write a case study on me since there have only been 2 other case studies done on pregnant women with feeding tubes in the whole world and neither of them had their tubes very long. He said that one of the GI doctors did a presentation on me and my case for all the other GI people and isplanning on doing it for the OB doctors too. I asked him once again about whether he would consider putting another feeding tube in me if I got pregnant with twins. Previously he had said no, but this time he said that he would as long as he could do another case study. So, twins is an option (but not a decision yet!) He too said he doesn't know what to expect when my baby gets big. So, I guess this is the part where I sit around and wait for my stomach to rupture or something (j/k). I'm a bit nervous about it- especially if the tube has to come out and I have to be nauseated for the last 3 months. But hey, I'm grateful for what I've got.


Gramps said…
I've always wanted a daughter that is rich and famous so we're half way there....the rest is up to Steve. Yea, I'm nervous too.
Marilyn said…
Isn't that about the time that you were able to get off the TPN and just eat last time? If so, maybe you will be ok by 25 weeks...but someone else to pray for besides Chad! A bit of Motherly advice here: you other kids, Don't follow this trend!

Question: I am confused. You said you found several places on the internet that you got info on Hyper-emesis women who got feeding tubes, and that is the info you took in to get them to do this in the first place. So how come the GI doc is saying there are only 2 other women who have done this?
Chad said…
I'm nervous too. Can you claim rights to anything that they discover off of you???
Unknown said…
Are you really the longest person on feeding tubes while pregnant or was that an exaggeration? I need stories for school here...

And speaking of case studies...mine is due tomorrow! Back to work says I!
Christa said…
Watch out-- your baby might get tired of that thing poking him/her, grab it, and start pulling it in!
Cambrienelson said…
mom- CASE studies are different from regular research studies.

Bert- yes, I am the the first DOCUMENTED pregnant woman to have a feeding tube in for this long, and yes, there are only 2 other case studies on pregnant women with feeding tubes.

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