"I've got no strings.......there are no strings on me!"

Ok, well I only have one string left (my feeding tube). I took out my picc line (my IV) this morning with permission from my doctor. I've only used it in the past week and a half for sleeping medication. But I've managed to switch to sleeping medication in the pill form. Yes, I admit it-- I'm currently dependent on sleeping meds, but in the words of my doctor "Cambrie, after all that we've got through so far-- who cares???!!!" Hopefully I'll be wheening myself of of them soon as I don't like to be an addict. Anywho-- I can now take a shower like a somewhat normal person! and little boys can stop asking me "what happened to your arm?"


Gramps said…
I'm SO GLAD you're improving. I worry about you a lot kiddo. How's the umbilical cord doing? I know everyone was worried at the start about the dangers of having a feeding tube into your gizzard.
Chad said…
Just as it's a womans prerogative to change her mind, it's a little boy's prerogative to ask about anything that _could_ be gross.
Cambrienelson said…
Hopefully I'll be getting the feeding tube out in a week or two. We are wheening me off. They say it will get pretty uncomfortable in about a month of I don't have it out yet.
Oh, and Jr. kicked me for the first time last night. He's now letting me know he's alive and in there.

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